In beta.
Welcome to Clippy 159's Progresssite, a fan-based site of things relating to Progressbar95. This includes the Progressbar95 Gameplay series, which currently has 2 seasons.
Progressbar95 Gameplay
You need to fill the progress bar to win. Move your progress bar with one finger to fill it faster.
It seems simple at first. But it might be harder to master.Systems of PBOS
PB-DOS Shell: Old text-based system, letting you use keys to move the progressbar. Images are also made from text, retro-fan.
Progressbar XB: The successor to Whisper: nostalgic appearance and more icons.
Progressbar 95: Chitown’s “successor” and the system that is the first. Nostalgic icons, panels and menus, and Clippy pop-up icon is the same as before in high quality.
Progressbar Wista: Combines improvements, graphics, and icons with a lot more features. Clippy is the same as Meme and other systems until Progressbar 7.
Progressbar 10: Progressbar 7 carries 81, making a flat and sleek design that has simplified, modern start menu.
Progressbar 1X: Fluent and smooth design.Fan-base
Put your submissions into my Cbox here if you want to add more of the stuff into this.